Lucky Numbers
Lucky Numbers 08-08-2020 19:35
  • 42
  • 65
  • 32
  • 37
  • 02
Power Play
Power Play 22-10-2024 19:45
  • 08
  • 20
  • 18
  • 14
  • 23
  • 13
  • 22
  • 21
  • 12
  • 15
  • 03
  • 16
Bonus Lotto
Bonus Lotto 19-10-2024 19:50
  • 28
  • 42
  • 31
  • 23
  • 03
  • 26
  • 13
Quick 10
Quick 10 22-10-2024 19:30
  • 18
  • 09
  • 08
  • 15
  • 16
  • 02
  • 10
  • 03
  • 13
  • 17

Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting, official player website of the Lottery. Any use of this website is subject to these Terms of Use. Please review them carefully.

As used herein, “these terms” refers to these Terms of Use; “this website” refers to; “content” refers to any text, image, picture, video, audio, software, code, data, application, program, process, feature, function, service, or other material of any kind offered on this website; “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the Lottery, its agents, contractors, sub-contractors, and third parties involved in producing or delivering this website or its content; and “you” or “your” refers to you, the website user.

Acceptance Of Terms:

By using this website or its content, you accept and agree to be bound by all of these terms. If you do not accept and agree to be bound by any of these terms, you are not authorized to access or otherwise use this website or its content.

Terms Subject To Change:

We may change these terms at any time and without notice. All changes are effective upon posting. Your continued use of this website or its content after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of those changes. For your convenience, the effective date of these terms is posted at the top of this page. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for changes.

Additional Terms & Policies:

Additional terms, conditions, and policies may apply to certain promotions, activities, and content offered on this website. It is your responsibility to review any other applicable terms, conditions, and policies.

Violation Of Terms:

We may take any lawful or equitable action we deem appropriate in response to an actual or suspected violation of these terms. This includes, but is not limited to: suspending or terminating your account; blocking access to this website or content; reporting and providing information about your actions to third parties; reporting and providing information about your actions to law enforcement; cooperating in any investigation; and initiating or participating in any civil or criminal action.

Age Requirement:

You must be at least 18 years of age to use this website and content. If you are not at least 18 years of age, you are prohibited from using this website and content.

Use Of Website And Content:

You are granted limited permission to use this website and content for their intended purposes only. You are prohibited from using this website or content in any way that:

  • is threatening, violent, abusive, hateful, defamatory, slanderous, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, tortious, indecent, vulgar, profane, obscene, or that we, in our sole discretion, deem inappropriate;
  • violates any law, regulation, or court order;
  • accesses, collects or stores personal information about others;
  • violates or infringes upon the rights of anyone else, including, for example, another person's right to privacy;
  • impersonates any person, business, entity, or IP address (e.g., IP spoofing);
  • involves uploading, posting, emailing, transmitting, or otherwise making available any materials that you do not have a right to make available under any law;
  • is commercial in nature, including, for example, advertising, promotional or marketing materials, or for spam, phishing, or other unsolicited messages;
  • gains or tries to gain unauthorized access to this website, its computers and networks, or its user data, or that otherwise modifies or interferes with the use or operation of this website;
  • imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure, including, but not limited to, transmitting spam or using other unsolicited mass emailing techniques;
  • could damage or overburden its servers, or any network connected to its servers;
  • would interfere with any other party's use of this website;
  • attempts or completes purchase of a lottery ticket while not physically located within the geographical boundaries of the State;
  • circumvents or attempts to circumvent any method we use to verify information about your age, identity, or location;
  • alters, damages, or deletes any content posted on this website;
  • contains or introduces computer viruses or other disruptive, damaging, or harmful files or programs;
  • or otherwise violates these terms or any other terms, guidelines, policies, rules, or directives posted on this website that are incorporated by this reference into these terms.

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We own the copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, and other intellectual property rights to content on this website. You may not reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, display, publish, distribute, or transmit this website or content to or through any third party, nor sell, resell, or otherwise exploit this website or content for any business purpose, without our express written consent. We retain all rights not otherwise expressly granted in these terms.

Information You Submit:

By submitting a comment, suggestion, opinion, picture, response, survey, or other information to this website, you represent and warrant to us that you have all necessary rights in and to that submission. You further represent and warrant that your submission does not contain any libelous, tortious, or otherwise unlawful information and does not infringe upon the rights of any third party.

We do not claim ownership of information you submit. By submitting information, however, you authorize and grant us free of charge the non-exclusive right and license to use, copy, display, reproduce, reformat, modify, and distribute that content in whole or in part, alone or together with other information, in any manner we choose, through any media outlets we choose, anywhere, in perpetuity. You understand and agree that you waive any claim to compensation for any such right or license.

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Any links to other websites appearing on this website are provided solely for informational purposes and as a convenience. Providing these links does not constitute our endorsement of the content, products, security measures, opinions, viewpoints, statements, or other information of any kind provided on third-party websites. We do not control and are not responsible for any third-party websites or their content. Use of any third-party websites is at your own risk.

The existence of a link to this website on a third-party’s website does not constitute our endorsement of the content, products, security measures, opinions, views, statements, or other information of any kind provided on that third-party’s website. If you create a link to this website, you must not state or imply that we endorse your website, content, products, security measures, services, opinions, views, statements, or other information of any kind; portray any person, entity, subject, or content in a false or misleading light; or visually alter any page or content.

Player Accounts:

Your access and ability to use certain content offered on this website may require you to register an account with us. An account may be subject to additional terms and conditions. You understand and agree that any account offered on this website is a discretionary privilege that we may deny, suspend, or terminate at any time, for any reason, and without notice. By applying for an account, you represent and warrant that any information you provide to us is true, complete, and accurate. It is your responsibility to keep account information that you provide current. We reserve the right to require you to change or update your account information at any time, including, but not limited to, your username and password.

If you register an account, you are responsible for keeping any username, password, or other account information confidential. You are solely responsible for any charges, costs, expenses, damages, liabilities, and losses of any kind that you, we, or any third party may incur as a result of your failure to do so. You agree to immediately notify us if you suspect or discover that your account has been compromised.


Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of this website as part of our continuing commitment to the security of content as well as the electronic transmission of information. Due to the nature of the internet, however, we cannot and do not guarantee that any communication or information will be secure or free from unauthorized access by third parties. You understand and agree that your use of this website is at your sole risk, and that we are not liable if a security breach occurs, except as expressly required by law.

Disclaimer Of Agency Relationship:

Nothing in these terms or your use of this website, including submission of information, registration of an account, or creation of a link, creates any partnership, joint venture, employment, or agency relationship between you and us. You may not represent the existence of any such relationship, and you have no authority to enter into contracts on our behalf or to bind us in any way.

Disclaimer Of Endorsement:

Reference to any products, process, service, trade name, trademark, manufacturer, company, or other entity appearing on this website does not constitute our endorsement or recommendation. Any opinions, statements, views, products, services, offers, or other information of any kind expressed or made available by third parties on or through this website, including, but not limited to, other users, are solely those of the respective author or distributor. You may not represent that the appearance of any such information on or through this website constitutes our endorsement or recommendation.

Disclaimer Of Warranties:

This website and its content are offered on an “as is” basis. We make no warranties of any kind, implied or express, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

Use of the internet carries inherent risks and dangers. We do not guarantee that this website or any content is free from these inherent dangers, including, but not limited to, viruses, spyware, malware, or other invasive, malicious, or damaging software, code, or applications of any kind. Nor do we guarantee that use of this website or any content will not cause damage or loss of any kind. We are not liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of your use of this website, its content, or for any action by third parties.

Disclaimer Of Accuracy And Timeliness:

While we endeavor to provide accurate and timely content on this website, we do not guarantee the availability, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, or timeliness of any content offered on or through this website. We are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from unavailable, inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, or untimely content. Additionally, content on this website is presented only as of the date and time published or indicated and may be outdated, superseded, or overridden by subsequent events or actions. You are responsible for setting the cache settings on your browser to ensure you are receiving the most recent content.

Potential Disruption Of Service:

Access to this website or its content may be unavailable, delayed, limited, or slowed by various disruptions in service. We are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from any disruption in service.

Limitation Of Liability:

We are not liable for any printing or computer error, omission, interruption, irregularity, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of this website or its content, or for technical, network, electronic, computer, hardware or software misuse or malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of content due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet, at any website, or any combination thereof.

Under no circumstances are we liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of your use of this website or its content, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Be advised that some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages and, therefore, such exclusions may not apply to you.


You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend us, our officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, shareholders, and licensees, from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, losses, expenses, damages, and costs of any kind, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, resulting from or relating to your use of this website or its content, breach of these terms, inability to access this website, use of any linked websites, reliance on any errors or omissions on this website, or propagation or contraction of any computer virus in connection with your use of this website or its content.

Non Waiver:

We are not obligated to take any action or pursue any remedy authorized by these terms. Refraining from taking any authorized action or pursuing any remedy does not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies and does not preclude us from taking any such action or pursuing such remedy in the future.

Website Changes And Termination:

We reserve the right to add, remove, modify, suspend, or terminate any aspect of this website, content, or your access to this website or content at any time and without notice. We are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from any such change, suspension, or termination of this website or content.


If any provision of these terms is deemed unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, that provision will be severed from these terms and the remaining provisions remain in full force.

Governing Law:

All transactions and claims are subject to the laws of the State, the rules, regulations, and directives of the Lottery, and any subsequent changes. You understand and agree that any dispute arising out of your use of this website or its content is governed by the laws. You further understand and agree that federal and state courts within have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims arising out of your use of this website or its content.


We are always seeking to improve and welcome your feedback. Please visit us at Africalotto Branches to submit comments or suggestions.
